
Version 1.0.8

Fix issue #8, add local loggers for better control of python’s logging capability. Thanks to @dominikonysz for reporting and implementing the change.

Version 1.0.7

Fix issue #7, previous version broke handling of catalog lists. Thanks to @dominikonysz for reporting and suggesting the fix.

Version 1.0.6

Bullet-proof and add testcase for create_glass().

Version 1.0.5

Enable RIIMedium to be saved and restored as JSON files.

Version 1.0.4

Allow extrapolation for InterpolatedMedium refractive index interpolation function. Cleanup help and other references to transported classes from ray-optics. Fix version export in build process.

Version 1.0.3

Remove transmission_data() from the required interfaces for OpticalMedium. Add ConstantIndex class for minimal material definition support. Add a new module, modelglass, with class ModelGlass to handle glasses specified by refractive index and v-number. Redo package layout using pyscaffold and use versioning from importlib.metadata.

Version 1.0.2

Bump version of pyqt5 to 5.15.

Version 1.0.1

Miscellaneous fixes and updates to the package dependencies.

Version 1.0.0

Replace Excel-based importing and reading of the glass manufacturers Excel data files with a pandas-based approach. Glass and Glass Catalog were completely replaced by pandas-based versions. Implementations for a particular catalog rely on specifying the spreadsheet areas for various categories of data.

An Abstract Base Class, OpticalMedium was defined to support access to the optical properties of a material. Two materials, Air and InterpolatedMedium were moved from the ray-optics package.

Finally, an interface to the RefractiveIndex.INFO database was implemented, using RIIMedium and InterpolatedMedium

Version 0.7.6

Final version based on xlrd and openpyxl packages.