RefractiveIndex.Info interface

Access to the RefractiveIndex.INFO database is provided by the rindexinfo module. A major function of this module is to create glass instances (RIIMedium or InterpolatedMedium) for use in optical models.

from opticalglass import rindexinfo
from opticalglass.rindexinfo import summary_plots

Typical use scenario - Polycarbonate

Ofttimes, a Google search of a “refractive index for Polycarbonate” will include a RefractiveIndex.Info link in the query. Follow the link to the page on RefractiveIndex.INFO for Polycarbonate.


The data is below this on the web page.


To get a link to the data for this material, scroll further down the webpage to the Data section:


Right mouse click on the Full database record link and choose the Copy Link Address menu item:


We can now define a variable for the polycarbonate data url and paste the link we obtained above into the right hand side of the definition.

polycarb_url = ''

Use the read_rii_url() to import the material data into a python structure that reflects the original yaml formatted file. A suggested material name and catalog designation, based on the material url, are returned as well.

polycarb_yaml, name, catalog = rindexinfo.read_rii_url(polycarb_url)

The function create_material() takes the yaml definition of the material and the names and returns a glass instance.

polycarb = rindexinfo.create_material(polycarb_yaml, name, catalog)

The summary_plots() function can be used in a scripting environment to plot the (complex) refractive index data of a material.

summary_plots(polycarb, polycarb_yaml)
['tabulated nk']

There is additional information available for each database entry, beyond refractive index and absorption. It is easiest to work directly with the imported yaml data.

dict_keys(['REFERENCES', 'COMMENTS', 'DATA', 'SPECS'])

The ‘DATA’ key contains the raw index data. The ‘REFERENCES’ key is always present and documents the source of the data.

'1) X. Zhang, J. Qiu, X. Li, J. Zhao, L. Liu. Complex refractive indices measurements of polymers in visible and near-infrared bands, <a href=""><i>Appl. Opt.</i> <b>59</b>, 2337-2344 (2020)</a> (0.4-2 µm)<br>2) X. Zhang, J. Qiu, J. Zhao, X. Li, L. Liu. Complex refractive indices measurements of polymers in infrared bands, <a href=""><i>J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transf.</i> <b>252</b>, 107063 (2020)</a> (2-20 µm)'

The ‘COMMENTS’ key is often present with additional information. The ‘SPECS’ is a catch-all dictionary of additional data.

'Normal temperature and pressure. Manufacturer: Dedicated Plastic, China.'
{'n_absolute': True, 'wavelength_vacuum': False}

Material file examples

Below are a sampling of different material files of common interest.


sio2_url = ''
sio2_yaml, name, catalog = rindexinfo.read_rii_url(sio2_url)
sio2 = rindexinfo.create_material(sio2_yaml, name, catalog)
summary_plots(sio2, sio2_yaml)
['formula 1']


caf2_url = ''
caf2_yaml, name, catalog = rindexinfo.read_rii_url(caf2_url)
caf2 = rindexinfo.create_material(caf2_yaml, name, catalog)
summary_plots(caf2, caf2_yaml)
['formula 2']


ge_url = ''
ge_yaml, name, catalog = rindexinfo.read_rii_url(ge_url)
ge = rindexinfo.create_material(ge_yaml, name, catalog)
summary_plots(ge, ge_yaml)
['tabulated nk']


pedot_url = ''
pedot_yaml, name, catalog = rindexinfo.read_rii_url(pedot_url)
pedot = rindexinfo.create_material(pedot_yaml, name, catalog)
summary_plots(pedot, pedot_yaml)
['tabulated n', 'tabulated k']


url = ''
F1_yaml, name, catalog = rindexinfo.read_rii_url(url)
F1 = rindexinfo.create_material(F1_yaml, name, catalog)
summary_plots(F1, F1_yaml)
['tabulated n']


url_root = ''
url = url_root + 'main/MgF2/Li-e.yml'
MgF2_yaml, name, catalog = rindexinfo.read_rii_url(url)
MgF2 = rindexinfo.create_material(MgF2_yaml, name, catalog)
summary_plots(MgF2, MgF2_yaml)
['formula 1']


url = url_root + 'main/KNbO3/Umemura-alpha.yml'
KNbO3_yaml, name, catalog = rindexinfo.read_rii_url(url)
KNbO3 = rindexinfo.create_material(KNbO3_yaml, name, catalog)
summary_plots(KNbO3, KNbO3_yaml)
['formula 4']
array([0.4, 5.3])
{'REFERENCES': 'N. Umemura, K. Yoshida, and K. Kato. Phase-matching properties of KNbO<sub>3</sub> in the mid-infrared, <a href=""><i>Appl Opt.</i> <b>38</b>, 991-994 (1999)</a>',
 'COMMENTS': 'n<sub>α</sub>; 22 °C.',
 'DATA': [{'type': 'formula 4',
   'wavelength_range': '0.40 5.3',
   'coefficients': '4.4222 0.09972 0 0.05496 1 0 0 0 1 -0.01976 2'}]}
array([ 4.4222 ,  0.09972,  0.     ,  0.05496,  1.     ,  0.     ,
        0.     ,  0.     ,  1.     , -0.01976,  2.     ])